Wow! These russian single switch asswhipping punishments are intense! I'll have to grip my cock with one hand and type with the other hehe =) fapfapfapfapfap
I ove having my ass whipped with birch , but prefer the classic scandinavian way, using not a long single switch but a bundle them, shorter and tied together at the handle. A bundle of shorter switches is easy to use and extremely easy to hit with, perfect if you aim for very small targets like the nipples for example. Many girls would have gotten much better tit whipping videos if the dom had not a single but a bundle. The nipples would feel the pain of every stroke which would also be better distributed. But blablabla, imma stop rambling and pleasure myself watching this mans butt cheeks suffer intense pain
I ove having my ass whipped with birch , but prefer the classic scandinavian way, using not a long single switch but a bundle them, shorter and tied together at the handle. A bundle of shorter switches is easy to use and extremely easy to hit with, perfect if you aim for very small targets like the nipples for example. Many girls would have gotten much better tit whipping videos if the dom had not a single but a bundle. The nipples would feel the pain of every stroke which would also be better distributed. But blablabla, imma stop rambling and pleasure myself watching this mans butt cheeks suffer intense pain

Wow lucky boy getting a good whipping, I hope that was just the beginning of a long and painful whipping